Need a tradesperson?
Local Heroes stopped accepting new jobs on 20th October, 2023, but you can still book jobs through British Gas.

Local Heroes closure
Why are you shutting down?
We have made the difficult decision to close Local Heroes and focus on growing demand for our British Gas services business.
What happens to my guarantee?
We will ensure recent customers still benefit from their 12-month guarantee as promised. If anything should go wrong, please contact the Hero who carried out the job. If they are not available within a reasonable time, then you can contact us by email at
Can I have the details of the Hero you previously recommended / supplied?
Please contact our managed customer support by email at
What will happen to the Heroes on your platform?
The Heroes on our platform are all their own private business entities. Local Heroes acted as an introductory business to supply these companies with leads for work from customers they may not have otherwise been aware of. These businesses will continue to trade going forward but without Local Heroes matching them to customers.
When will services be stopping?
Jobs will cease being accepted on the Local Heroes platform on the 20th of October 2023. After which there will be a further 15-day period for jobs to be completed through the platform.
Do I still have to pay for the job?
Yes. Despite Local Heroes closing, the Heroes on our platform will still be in operation and will require payment for their work. Please continue to pay using the Local Heroes platform so that we can continue to pay our Heroes within 7-10 days of the work being completed.
What happens to my personal details?
To find out how we use your personal data, please refer to our privacy policy here.
Can I get my job done through British Gas instead?
British Gas offer a range of heating, plumbing, electrical and appliance services through their website here. You do not have to be a British Gas customer and you can contact them for one-off repairs as well as maintenance options.