How do I find out which tariff I'm on?

If you ever want to check which tariff(s) you're on, you can view it easily:

Start at the home screen and press 'menu'

Select 'Your Tariffs'

You'll see a summary of your tariffs

Take a look at the costs of your tariffs by pressing 'gas' or 'elec'

Press Select

Take a look at the costs of your tariffs by pressing 'gas' or 'elec'

Using the top up code from your top up receipt press the '+' and '-' buttons to adjust the top up code number

Press 'next/del' to move to the next number. To delete a number, press and hold the ‘next/del’ button

Once you have provided the complete top up code, press 'next/del' again

You will be notified that the top up has been sent, press 'exit'

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