How your energy data can benefit your business sustainability strategy

15 March 2024

Whether your energy bill is delivered through the post, or via an email, you typically receive information on how much you’ve used/spent during the previous month/quarter. For many organisations, this data is sufficient for them to operate and calculate their overheads. But, for many other companies, this is not enough, and they want more insight from their energy supplier – and this is something the UK government also agrees with. 

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has recently changed the way businesses can get their energy usage data. The change means that if your business has a smart meter, you can now request historic smart meter data and your energy supplier must respond to your request within 10 working days. But what does this change mean in reality? What can this data do for you? Is there an opportunity to be realised? The short answer is, yes. Having access to your energy usage data is a powerful tool for any business, and below is a brief overview of some of the benefits you can enjoy by delving deeper into your historic energy data.

Reduce energy usage

The old adage goes ‘you can’t manage what you can’t measure’, and this is particularly true when it comes to your energy. How can you possibly look to reduce your energy costs, if you’re not analysing the usage information and identifying trends and patterns? With your energy data to hand, you can begin to find ways of reducing your usage – and of course, your bills.

Focus your environmental efforts

Whether it’s customers, investors or regulators, people are now more concerned than ever with your organisation’s sustainability metrics. A key part of any sustainability strategy is energy usage. Is your company energy efficient? Are you looking to reach net zero? All of these things are now becoming a priority, but you can only answer these questions (and develop your approach where necessary) when you have the right energy data and insight to hand.

Engage your team

74% of employees said their job is more fulfilling when they’re given the chance to make a positive impact on social and environmental issues. Read the full Cone Communications Engagement Study 2016.

With employees valuing companies who are committed to sustainable practices, the benefits of energy efficiency could help you increase employee engagement – which can in turn improve retention rates.

We do more at British Gas

Following the new energy data changes from DESNZ, we’ve gone above and beyond and created Energy360 DataView. This energy management platform is designed to help you understand your business energy usage and have better control over your consumption. The digital platform allows you to view and report on interval data from gas and electricity meters to monitor, control and master energy usage. From creating scheduled consumption data extracts for your business, to enabling you to see adjustable graphs as granularly as half-hour levels, Energy360 DataView gives you control.

Find out more about Energy360 DataView

*Please note, Energy360 DataView is only available to existing customers with a suitable smart meter. If your meter isn’t smart or if the smart functionality isn’t working, we’ll be unable to show you your consumption data. In these cases, our customer care team will be happy to arrange a meter investigation or meter exchange for you.

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