Guiding northern food powerhouse towards carbon neutrality

9 October 2023

Adams FoodService taps British Gas experts for crucial allyship

Since its 1985 beginnings as a Bradford family grocery shop, Adams FoodService has been a business with strong corporate social responsibility, and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG). So speaks the solar panelling on Adams’ sites, the recycling of over 98% of its waste, its fleet of solar-powered electric cars – and a partnership with British Gas.

Delivering competitive energy prices

A close working relationship with British Gas and regular open dialogue with its account manager about wholesale energy prices helped shape the decision to extend the company’s Zero Carbon tariff contract for another year, though not due to expire till July 2024. With a drop in energy prices of around 24%, Adams’ Director of Finance, Mohammed Kola felt it was a good time to fix in wholesale energy costs and secure some certainty for the business – effectively fixing pricing for two years.

“British Gas is very transparent,” says Mohammed. “I understand the market could drop further, but as a finance director I know that I’m booking in a 20%+ energy cost reduction for next year and the next, which I can budget in.” Amid an energy market underpinned by volatility and supplier collapse, it places Adams FoodService in a sound position for business decision-making and growth.

"In British Gas we’ve found a safe pair of hands; they’re an established brand, our account manager there has been great and what they say they’ll deliver – they deliver. It’s the key thing I look for in any relationship – trust.”

Mohammed Kola, Director of Finance, Adams FoodService

Enabling intelligence driven decision-making

Crucially, British Gas is also enabling the business to precisely understand its energy usage. Half-hourly readings mean decision-making by Adams’ senior team can be proactive and informed by timely, high-quality data. As a result, the company has reduced its energy consumption by around 30%.

Over the last six months, many of the company’s consumption numbers have been either ‘excellent’ or at an ‘all-time low’ – thanks entirely to the proactive approach Adams’ management team has adopted. Users of British Gas’ Energy360 DataView portal – an energy management platform designed to help businesses understand their energy usage and better control consumption – the Adams team can login and access data live online.

Leading the way to net zero

Adams FoodService, sustainability isn’t a buzzword, it’s a methodology. The company sits on net zero steering committees, Mohammed Kola lectures on sustainability at the University of Leeds and with a broad-brush ESG policy already in place, it is currently working with the university to produce an in-depth, long-term strategy examining every facet of the business and the environmental impacts.

“In British Gas we’ve found a safe pair of hands; they’re an established brand, our account manager there has been great and what they say they’ll deliver – they deliver. It’s the key thing I look for in any relationship – trust.”

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