The way businesses can request smart meter data is changing…

31 March 2023

The successful rollout of smart meters to homes, businesses and schools across Great Britain is considered vital, not just to drive energy efficiency, but as a key part of upgrading national energy infrastructure and supporting the Government’s net zero commitment.

In July 2021, to help maximise the benefits of smart metering, the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero  looked into changing the way businesses receive their smart meter data. They began a consultation with a variety of stakeholders – including energy suppliers, metering agents and third parties – to discuss changes that would affect exactly what data businesses are entitled to receive from their energy supplier. 

As a direct result of this review, DESNZ implemented policy changes affective 1st of December 2022, to improve the smart meter data offer for businesses large and small. Here’s what you need to know about the mandate…

What to expect?

The DESNZ mandate covers two key parts. The first to affect businesses was launched on the 1st of December 2022 and is detailed below:

Part 1: A new on-request data offer

  • If you have a smart meter, you (or a third party you’ve nominated) have free access to up to 12 months of historic smart meter energy use data.
  • All energy suppliers, including BGB, will respond to data requests within 10 working days.
  • We’ll then either grant access and share data with you, or we’ll clearly outline why your request has been rejected and the next steps.

In addition to the above, energy suppliers will have until the 1st October 2024 to implement the second part of the mandate:

Part 2: A new default data offer

  • If you have a smart meter, you will have access to free, easy-to-use energy use information.
  • This information will be based upon the half-hourly/hourly (electricity/gas) data from your smart meter.
  • Data will be available at regular intervals to give you insights into your energy use so you can make informed choices about your consumption.
  • This offer will mostly affect smaller businesses and public sector sites.

Benefits to the business

The first step to using energy more efficiently across your business is measuring it. With a smart meter installed and easier access to data, businesses will be better able to identify ways to reduce energy and costs. Armed with this insight, it’s also easier to make informed decisions about upgrading to more energy efficient equipment or changing how much or when your business uses energy.

Next steps

Learn more about smart meter for your gas or electricity, or watch our YouTube video below:

How to access your data

If you would like to start making the most of your data please get in touch with us (or a third party broker which you have nominated) to request access.

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