Energy saving for retail businesses

There are savings to be made on the shop floor and in the back office, so get energy educated

Boost your efficiency and bottom line

Use energy more efficiently

Follow our practical tips to reduce your retail business energy consumption, stop wasting energy and start using it more efficiently.

Business energy saving

Upgrade to a smart meter

Smart meters are the clever way to measure your retail business energy use. Once your smart meter is connected and sending smart readings to us you'll receive accurate bills.

Smart meters

Get more control

Energy360 DataView is the free platform we've created to help existing business customers view their data – and ultimately – get better control over their energy consumption.

Energy 360 DataView

Heating in retail businesses

  • In warm weather, turn down the heating rather than opening the windows
  • Close window blinds in the early evening to help reduce night-time heat loss
  • Don't use extra electric heaters – these are one of the most expensive heat sources
  • Encourage individuals to turn down the thermostat radiators in their rooms - the optimum temperature in most offices is around 22°C
  • Regularly service boilers and heaters to ensure they're running efficiently

Raising the temperature by just 1°C can increase your heating costs by approximately 8%

Refrigeration in retail businesses

  • Keep fridge doors closed whenever possible
  • Regularly defrost and clean fridges
  • Check that the seals on cold rooms and fridges are intact
  • Keep the condensers and evaporators on your fridges and cooling equipment clean
  • If fridges only store fizzy drinks, turn them off after hours
  • Only use the appliance size you need – smaller appliances are likely to be cheaper to run

When buying new refrigerators, A+++ is the most efficient rating

More ways to save

Adjust your routine at your workplace and you could start saving money on your business energy bills.

IT equipment

  • IT equipment burns energy, even in standby mode
  • Encourage staff to switch equipment off when not in use - on a business desktop PC will cost £41 per year to run when it's powered on
  • Use the energy-saving features on things like monitors and printers

Turning computers and monitors off at night can save £35 a year per desk

Lighting in retail businesses

  • Encourage staff to switch lights off when they're not needed
  • Use movement detectors, time switches and daylight sensors
  • Install energy-efficient lights – LED lights could reduce energy wastage through heat from 95% to just 5%

Installing the right lights could reduce your lighting costs by up to 80%

Upgrade your building

In many buildings, around 18% of heat loss is through windows

More advice from the Carbon Trust

The Carbon Trust helps organisations contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable future through carbon reduction, resource efficiency strategies and commercialising low carbon technologies.

Download their free guide to help identify energy and cost savings which can be easily made with little or no cost, and explore energy hotspots such as heating, lighting and commercial equipment.

Carbon Trust - Better business guide to energy saving

Read more about business energy saving

Business energy saving in winter

Business energy spending increases enormously in the winter, but we can help you make savings

Business energy saving

Energy help for micro businesses

The energy regulator Ofgem has set out a number of standards, rules and guidelines for all suppliers to help support micro businesses.

Help for micro businesses

Our latest blogs about energy efficiency

Explore practical strategies on our blog to enhance your business's energy efficiency and lower costs.

Read blog