Supporting your carbon reporting

All larger UK businesses need to include greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in their annual reports. Our renewable energy options can help to show that your business is working towards your sustainability goals.

Reducing your business GHG emissions

What evidence will I get to support my carbon reporting?

To report carbon emissions according to the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance, you need evidence that we have correctly allocated enough REGOs to your supply and that this has been verified. This is achieved through our Carbon Trust assurance process.

Customers on our Natural Renewable Electricity contracts will be provided with a British Gas certificate as evidence to use in GHG Protocol Scope 2 reporting. For small business customers, see our product-specific Fuel mix and associated emissions factors.

How are emissions factors calculated?

Emissions factors are used in carbon reporting to help quantify the environmental impact of different forms of energy generation. Each year, the government publish a database of values that represent the environmental impact of each energy generation technology.

These values are multiplied by the number of megawatt-hours of power that's been generated through each technology type. This gives an emissions factor that can be used in your carbon reporting.

Reporting on your Scope 2 emissions

When you choose our Natural Renewable Electricity option, you'll be able to report zero g CO2/kWh when reporting on your Scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity using the market-based method. This is in line with the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance.

Take a look at the below diagram for some examples of how carbon emissions are typically categorised into Scope 1, 2 and 3:

Our green energy products

We offer zero carbon electricity as standard on all new and renewed fixed term contracts. But if you want to boost your organisation's green credentials further, you can opt for one of our low carbon or renewable energy plans for an added premium:

Natural Renewable Electricity

100% of your electricity will be backed by Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin from natural UK sources such as solar, wind and hydro.

Natural Renewable Electricity

Carbon Neutral Gas

90% will be backed by Carbon Offsets from qualified and registered projects. 10% of your gas will be backed by RGGOs from UK renewable green gas.

Carbon Neutral Gas

Renewable Gas

100% of your gas will be backed by Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin from UK renewable green gas.

Renewable Gas